ED on AIR Podcast

Smoke Inhalation Injuries - featuring Dr. Erin Brennan

Dr. Robert E. Dunne Episode 1

The ED on AIR Podcast is designed to keep emergency department providers and other in-hospital practitioners safe, informed, and prepared.  In this episode, we welcome Dr. Erin Brennan the Vice Chief of Emergency Medicine and an EMS Physician at Detroit Receiving Hospital, which is the only adult burn center located in the City of Detroit.  In addition, Dr. Brennan is the Deputy Medical Director for the Detroit East Medical Control Authority.  Dr. Brennan is here to discuss why ED physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and pharmacists must be prepared to treat patients with smoke inhalation injuries. Specifically, Dr. Brennan is here to shine a spotlight on the toxic twins, cyanide (CN) and carbon monoxide (CO), which are two major contributors to the injury and death of smoke inhalation patients. 

During this episode, Dr. Dunne and Dr. Brennan will:

  • Describe why physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and pharmacists should be prepared to treat patients with smoke inhalation injuries.  
  • Describe the impact of cyanide (CN) and carbon monoxide (CO) on the human body.  
  • List and describe assessment and treatment priorities for victims with smoke inhalation injuries. 

The ED on AIR podcast is hosted by Dr. Robert Dunne who is an Emergency Medicine and EMS physician in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Dunne is a Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine and the director of the EMS fellowship and research program, as well as the EMS Medical Director for the Detroit Fire Department and the Detroit East Medical Control Authority.

#EmergencyMedicine, #EDDoctors, #EmergencyDepartment, #HealthcareHeroes, #PhysicianAssistants, #NurseLife, #PharmacyPractice, #MedicalProfessionals, #HealthcareWorkers, #ERLife, #EDLife, #EmergencyCare, #EmergencyNurses, #ClinicalPharmacy, #MedicineMatters, #AcuteCare